Today was our Anniversary. We have been married for two years now. Time has gone by so fast. We bought our house just a week before we got married, we had Kryi, Tod's pest control business has been growing and he is busier now more then ever and I am slowly but surely working on a new cookbook. The kids are growing like weeds and I wish I could just press pause and soak up life. Just breathe it all in. I am so grateful for everything that I have. Tod has given us more then I ever dreamt of. I am so lucky to be married to the man of my dreams. He is my world and he is my soul mate. Everything I do is because he inspires me and gives me dreams. He fills my heart so full of love that I could just cry. What do you do when you feel like you have finally arrived? Like life is finally here. The moment you have worked so hard for has come... how do you embrace it? I feel a bit light headed and dizzy just thinking about it. And now.... I will work even harder to have the best future possible. It's all about the hard work. You must put in the work to get results, nothing is for free. I honestly don't even think love is free. You have to work hard in a relationship to get true love back in return. Yes it should be easy to give love, but that's different.
I smile when I look back at all of our wedding photos.
I made Tod this cake and some of his fav Hazelnut truffles. This cake was too darn good to share. It was so rich though, oh man! We cuddled on the couch after we were stuffed from the goodies and we watched the last episode EVER of How I Met Your Mother. Did anyone else watch it? So sad. I don't want to give it away for any of you that missed it but I knew it would end that way. It's so obvious! I hope you all had a wonderful sunny spring day.
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